Half-Day Tour to the Egyptian Museum 4 hour's trip with transfers

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Half-Day Tour to the Egyptian Museum

Spend a half-day tour to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in Tahrir square. It contains historical artifacts from different periods where the largest collection of artifacts around the world is displayed there, the most famous mask of King Tutankhamun and its golden collection are among these antiquities.

Be ready to meet our highly qualified Egyptologist guide who will be at your service the whole day tour from Cairo, and then he will guide you from your hotel through this Half Day Tour to Egyptian Museum to see the richness of the Egyptian Museum, which is a building of 2 floors and has a very exceptional collection of ancient Egyptian art and statues that include most of the eras of the Egyptian history starting from the first dynasty when King Narmer, who is also known as Menes, unified the two lands, passing through the third dynasty of the great King Djoser who is the owner of the Step Pyramid in Saqqara, the fourth dynasty during the Old Kingdom that was established by the powerful King Snefru whose sons and grandsons built the Giza pyramids.

And all the masterpieces of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom or the golden era of Egypt. Over 6000 years ago. 250,000 masterpieces are exhibited in the showcases and a lot more in the stores. It means if you would like to spend 1 minute in front of each statue, you will need above 6 months, including the treasures of Tutankhamen who belong to the eighteenth dynasty, a vast collection of gold artifacts and silverware as well as jewelry, treasure chests, military chariots, perfume containers, chairs, and gilded funeral coffins were buried under the sand over 3500 years till the tomb was excavated in 1922 revealing such beautiful items of the golden Pharoah, then it was completely moved to Cairo and the Egyptian government has displayed it all in the second floor of the Egyptian museum, along with the collection of Yuya and Thuya, parents of King Amenhotep III and grandparents of the child King Tutankhamen.

Then you will be transferred back to your hotel after we completed the Egyptian Museum Cairo Trip.

price 50 USD per

What is included?

Pick up services from your hotel in Cairo or Giza.

Transfers by an exclusive air-conditioned vehicle through your tours in Cairo.

Admission fees to the mentioned sites.

English-speaking certified tour guide.

Bottled water during our Cairo day tours.

Shopping tours in Cairo. (Upon Request).

All taxes and service charges of Egypt Day Tours are covered.

What is Excluded?

Any extras that are not specified in the tour itinerary.

Tipping is not included in the price of our Cairo Trips.

Prices are valid during Christmas and New Year tours in Egypt or Egypt Easter tours.


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