Private Day Tour to Abu Simbel Temples from Aswan

Excursión privada de un día a los templos de Abu Simbel desde Asuán
Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов
  • English
  • Español

The Abu Simbel Temples, two majestic sandstone structures, stand reflected in the waters of Lake Nasser. It’s a long drive from Aswan, so enjoy the comfort of a private vehicle direct from your door. Learn about Ramses II, his wife Nefertari, the love goddess Hathor, and the flooding of the Nile from your private Egyptologist guide. Return to Aswan in the late afternoon.


• See the temples of Ramses II and his wife Nefertari in Abu Simbel

• Hear how the temples were moved after the Aswan High Dam flooded the Nile

• Journey in the air-conditioned comfort of your own private vehicle

• Ask as many questions as you want from your dedicated guide


What's included

• Hotel pickup and drop-off

• Private, air-conditioned transportation

• bottled water

What's not included

• Entry fees (Optional)

• Lunch at local Restaurant (Optional)

• Personal Items

• Tipping

• any Optional Tours

Stop At: Abu Simbel Temple Complex, Abu Simbel, Abu Simbel Egypt

As per requested time Emo Tours expert Tour guide will pick you up from your hotel in Aswan and drive to the south of Aswan which is around 3hrs drive to enjoy Abu Simbel day tour from Aswan by air-conditioned vehicle.

The two Temples of Abu Simbel, with their unique style, are considered to be the masterpieces of ancient Egypt.

They reflect the glory and grandeur of the new Kingdom. The Egyptian government and UNESCO decided to co-operate in order to save these temples from the flood. The Temple of Ramses II was dedicated to the four universal gods Ptah, Re-Her-Akhtey, Amun-Re, and to Ramesses II himself. The great Abu Simbel temple is also called The Sun Temple of Ramses II.The Temple of Queen Nefertari is also Called Temple of Hathor who was the wife of the Sun God so in a symbolic way, the two Temples, that of Ramesses II and that of Nefertari, bring Ramesses II, Nefertari, Hathor and the Sun God together as one. Spend around 3 hours there then take the way back to Aswan.

The Abu Simbel Temples, two majestic sandstone structures, stand reflected in the waters of Lake Nasser. It’s a long drive from Aswan, so enjoy the comfort of a private vehicle direct from your door. Learn about Ramses II, his wife Nefertari, the love goddess Hathor, and the flooding of the Nile from your private Egyptologist guide. Return to Aswan in the late afternoon.


• See the temples of Ramses II and his wife Nefertari in Abu Simbel

• Hear how the temples were moved after the Aswan High Dam flooded the Nile

• Journey in the air-conditioned comfort of your own private vehicle

• Ask as many questions as you want from your dedicated guide


What's included

• Hotel pickup and drop-off

• Private, air-conditioned transportation

• bottled water

What's not included

• Entry fees (Optional)

• Lunch at local Restaurant (Optional)

• Personal Items

• Tipping

• any Optional Tours

Para en: Complejo del templo de Abu Simbel, Abu Simbel, Abu Simbel Egipto

Según la hora solicitada, el guía turístico experto de Emo Tours lo recogerá de su hotel en Asuán y lo conducirá hacia el sur de Asuán, que es alrededor de 3 horas en automóvil para disfrutar de la excursión de un día a Abu Simbel desde Asuán en un vehículo con aire acondicionado.

Los dos Templos de Abu Simbel, con su estilo único, se consideran las obras maestras del antiguo Egipto.

Reflejan la gloria y la grandeza del nuevo Reino. El gobierno egipcio y la UNESCO decidieron cooperar para salvar estos templos de la inundación. El Templo de Ramsés II estaba dedicado a los cuatro dioses universales Ptah, Re-Her-Akhtey, Amun-Re y al propio Ramsés II. El gran templo de Abu Simbel también se llama El Templo del Sol de Ramsés II. El Templo de la Reina Nefertari también se llama Templo de Hathor, que era la esposa del Dios Sol, de manera simbólica, los dos Templos, el de Ramsés II y el de de Nefertari, reúne a Ramsés II, Nefertari, Hathor y el Dios Sol como uno solo. Pase alrededor de 3 horas allí y luego tome el camino de regreso a Asuán.


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