Язык Английский
Стоимость 830 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 дня

Mount Meru is Tanzania's second-highest mountain standing tall at

4,566m. It is located in Arusha National Park and offers some of the

most spectacular scenery and wildlife diversity of any mountain in

Tanzania. Mt. Meru is a challenging trek due to its steepness but is a

great way to acclimatize before attempting Mt. Kilimanjaro. Climbers are

accompanied by an armed ranger due to the abundance of wildlife on the

lower slopes. Mt. Meru also has some historical significance to it

whereby some have suggested that it was the resting place of Noah's Ark

when it came to rest after the biblical flood receded. Mt. Meru is a

great trekking option for those who want to take on a climbing challenge

and get the sense of being out in the wild, but are not quite ready to

tackle Mt. Kilimanjaro.


Mount Meru trek 3 Days/2 Night $ 800 USD per person

Mount Meru trek 4 Days/3 Night $ 980 USD per person


• 2 nights of accommodation in Moshi

• Private transport to & from Kilimanjaro International Airport to

your accommodations in Moshi.

• Transportation to & from the Meru gate

• Park entry fees,

• Hut fees

• Crater fee (if any)

• Team Meru Rescue fees

• 18% VAT on tour fees & services

• Rangers fee

• Friendly and professional mountain guides, cook and porters

• 3 meals daily while on the mountain

• Enough treated & filtered drinking water throughout the trek

• Hot water for washing

• Fair wages for the mountain crew as approved by the KINAPA & KIATO

• Government taxes

• Portable oxygen tanks

• English or French speaking guide

• Ox meter

• Emergency first-aid kit

• Stethoscope

• Sattelite phone

• Mountain Meru climbing certificates


• Drinks at your hotel before and after the climb.

• Travel insurance

• Flights

• Laundry (Available at the hotel)

• Personal items and toiletries

• Tips for guides, porters and cook


$ 12- 15/day/coo



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