1 day chimpanzee tracking and crater lakes tour.

Язык Английский
Стоимость 390 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Are you around Fort portal city and would like to go on a chimpanzee tracking experience, this one-day trip to Kibale forest worlds primate’s capital suits you especially with limited time. Kibale forest is known for the highest concentration of primates in Uganda say the red colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkey, black white colobus, Vervet monkey, grey cheeked monkey. Blue monkey, olive baboon and at night bush babies can be seen.Kibale forest park also has got other animals like forest elephants, buffalos, bush pigs, duikers, antelopes among others including over 300 species of birds. Chimpanzee tracking starts at 8:00am and lasts for around 4 hours including a 1-hour contact on finding them. Thereafter visit the kasenda crater lakes, this area is known for the highest concentration of crater lakes per square km, lakes such as Rukwanzi, Mwamba, Kifuruka, Nyairya can be seen including the famous Nyinambuga crater whose picture appears on the 20k Uganda shillings banknote. a visit to Nkuruba nature reserve is an icing to the cake as this marks the end of this one-day tour of the chimpanzee’s and the crater lakes.Lunch: Nkuruba Lakeside Resort.Optional activities; Mahoma falls, Vanilla farm visit, Coffee experience.


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