Islamabad - Skardu - Hunza cultural tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 4000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 дней

Islamabad- Skardu- Hunza Valley Tour

5 Days

Day 1:Islamabad – Skardu - Karimabad – Hunza

Morning 9,25am fly to Skardu, two hours before flight departure arrival at Islamabad New Airports. On arrival, Skardu visited hotel one for a short break tea and washroom, Then drove to Hunza, enjoyed the Indus River and lunch at Astak Nahla or Joglot. stop the viewpoint of three great mountain ranges and Nanga Parbat if the weather is clear. Then drive to Hunza On the way stop at Rakaposhi viewpoint for tea and rest. On arrival to Hunza Transfer to hotel Hunza,

Day 2: Explore Gojal Hunza – Sost village

Sost visit the local market and view of mountain and valley. Drive back to Hussaini, Ghulkin, and Gulmit village and have a nice view of Gojal valley and overnight stay in Gulmit.

Day 3:Passu – Borith Lake – Passu/ white Glacier – Gilgit

After breakfast visit Borith Lake, the village, and Passu Glacier. Visit the women's carpet centre at Gulmit, lunch at Gulmit and visit Rakaposhi (7788m) viewpoint for a tea break. Enjoy the view of the mountain and In the evening drive to Gilgit on arrival transfer to Xpress Averi Hotel Hotel Gilgit.

Day 4:Gilgit Skardu

After breakfast drive to Skardu, on the way stop at the meeting point of the three great Indus Rivers. On arrival check in at the hotel, have a short rest drive to the Sarfaranga desert and Shiger valley, lunch at Shiger and explore the Shiger village. In the evening drive back to the hotel.

Day 5:Skardu - Islamabad Fly

The morning after breakfast drive to the airport, flight timing is normally 10 or 11 am.

Arrive in Islamabad at the end of the tour.


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