Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Стоимость 1400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 дней

This 5/6 day Tanzania safari takes you deep into the wilderness of the most incredible parks in the northern circuit of Tanzania. You will not be rushed as you track down the animals with your guide. We will help you decide how many days you want to spend where according to the time of the year. There are plenty of ways to craft a safari in this time to make each day perfect and leave you beyond satisfied by the end of your trip.


Whether you see the Lake Manyara escarpment, the Ngorongoro caldera or the endless sea of grass in Serengati, these magnificient views will be imprinted in your mind for life. Along the way you will spot Maasai folk, huge Boabab trees and incredible wildlife.


You will cover Lake Manyara, Tarangire national parks and/or Ngorongoro crater based on your preferences and suitability for the time of the year. Manyara is famous for its flamingoes and its tree climbing lions. Tarangire is famous for its large herds of Elephants and iconic Boabab trees.


4 days of game drives almost guarantees you plenty of wildlife, from giraffes, elephants, zebras, lions, buffalos, cheetahs, rhinos, hippos, hyenas and a whole lot of other smaller animals and birds.


The world's most famous wildlife park that hosts the most spectacular migration of the Wildebeest. Only a 4+ day safari makes it logistically possible to reach these grasslands.


With more days at hand you can stay more than a day in one of the national parks. Most people chose 2 days in Serengeti to increase their chances of witnessing the Wildebeest migration.

Is a 5-6 Day Safari for Me?

There's no better way to see the wildebeest migration in action and see the amazing parks that have made Tanzania so famous. 5-6 days allows you to spend a very reasonable amount of time in the Serengeti (2-4 nights). You'll of course also explore Ngorongoro and Manyara or Tarangire National Parks. You can either do the tour by land (circle itinerary) or fly back from the Serengeti to remove the backtracking. The cost of this trip can be lowered by chosing the adventurous budget camping. If you prefer lodges or tented camps, there is plenty of choice of 3 to 5 star accommodations to suit everyone.

5-6 Day Safari Itineraries

5- days of safari is generally preferred by those who want an immersive safari experience in Tanzania. You will cover most of the northern safari circuit depending on what you want to explore, how much distance you want to cover and other parameters. Below are some example itineraries. Contact us for a personalized itinerary, detailed information or if you have any questions.


In the below five day Wildebeest Migration safari you'll track the movements of the vast herd while also visiting three of Tanzania's most famous national parks. You'll start in Tarangire National Park before spending three days in the Serengeti National Park following the movements of the Wildebeest Migration. You'll then finish your drive in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. 

Day 1 - Arusha to Tarangire (or Lake Manyara)

Day 2 - Tarangire to Serengeti

Day 3 - Serengeti

Day 4 - Serengeti to Ngorongoro

Day 5 - Ngorongoro to Arusha

You can chose to fly into Serengeti to be right in the heart of the migration from day 1. In case you want to do all the parks in the entire northern circuit, you will have to spend one night less in Serengeti.

5-6 Day Safari Prices

Safari prices depend a lot on the quality of accommodation chosen, whether it is located inside a national park or outside, the number of people in the vehicle and the time of travel.

A good approximate price per person per day on a safari in Tanzania is as follows from budget camping to luxury lodge accommodations.


Entry fees:

Park Fees: all park fees collected by National Park authorities (conservation fees, camping fees, crew fees, vehicle fee, rescue fee and all others).


Please note: by default, you will share a room and a tent with your travel companion. If you travel solo on a group expedition, we will room you with a same-sex participant. Single supplement is available upon request.


All meals during safari, except when specified otherwise

Water and coffee or tea.


VHF Radio

2 Binoculars per vehicle


Professional Safari Guide:

Professional guides licensed by Tanzania National Park Authority. All guides have 7+years of successful experience


18% VAT, 1% TDL and 0.3% Service Levy. We have honest and responsible tour operator working in full compliance with the tax law of the United Republic of Tanzania.


International flights

Tips (30-50 USD per vechile per day)

Visa fee (100 USD for American citizens and 50 USD for all others)

Lunch and dinner at the hotel (before and after the climb)

Travel insurance

Internal flights or other activities


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