The magic of Baghdad

Язык Арабский, Английский
Стоимость 600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 дня

Day 1:

Arrival at Baghdad International Airport

Meet and greet with your tour guide

Transfer to your hotel for check-in and rest

Visit the National Museum of Iraq to see the collection of historical artifacts

Stop by the iconic Al-Shaheed Monument, a tribute to the fallen soldiers of the Iran-Iraq war

Dinner at a local restaurant

Day 2:

Breakfast at the hotel

Visit the Al-Mutanabbi Street, a famous market for books and stationery

Explore the historic Al-Mustansiriya School, one of the oldest universities in the world

Stop by the Al-Kadhimiya Mosque, one of the most important Shia pilgrimage sites

Lunch at a local restaurant

A visit to the famous Malls in Baghdad\Cinema

Dinner at a local restaurant

Day 3:

Breakfast at the hotel

Visit the Zawraa Park, a large amusement park with rides, attractions and a zoo, one of the largest and oldest zoos in the Middle East

Lunch at a local restaurant

Visit Al karrada, one of the oldest places in Baghdad

Dinner at a local restaurant

Day 4:

Breakfast at the hotel

Check-out and transfer to Baghdad International Airport for departure


All entrance fees to museums, monuments and attractions

Transportation in a private air-conditioned vehicle with a professional driver

English-speaking tour guide

Bottled water throughout the tour


Visa fees

Flights to and from Baghdad

Personal expenses

Travel insurance

Hotel expenses

Food expenses

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