5 Days Aberdares, Lake Naivasha, Masai Mara Lodge Safaris

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1375 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 дней

Tour Details

5 Days Tour takes you around the circle as stated here below.

Aberdares, Lake Naivasha , Maasai Mara Lodge Safaris + Nairobi

At the Aberdares, game viewing is in the late night from the balconies of your tree hotel.

Day 1: Nairobi - Aberdares

Leave Nairobi in the morning to reach the small town of Nyeri for a sumptuous lunch before leaving for the Ark late afternoon.

Enjoy the experience of staying in a Tree Hotel or lodge overlooking floodlit waterholes where wildlife will come to visit you regularly.

Over 40 species of wildlife inhabit the Aberdare mountain ranges, hiding in the heavily forested slopes and in the upper moor lands. The Aberdares is noted as a rhino sanctuary but keep an eye out for the elusive rare bongo, which is best, spotted in the upper bamboo zone and hypericum scrub. As dusk ensues, we enjoy a relaxing sun downer whilst viewing the game as they gradually approach the waterhole – a truly magical experience. A hearty dinner and pleasant sleep follows thereafter.

The night is spent at Treetops, Ark or Mountain Lodge in your comfortable perch above the floodlit waterhole and salt lick where, nightlong, a procession of animals comes to drink.

Expect to see Elephants, Buffalo & the Hyena.

All meals included.

Day 2: Aberdares – Lake Naivasha

We proceed out of the national park and depart for Lake Naivasha with hot lunch en-route to arrive for a relaxing walk through Hell's Gate National Park and enjoy the geothermal tower. Optional boat ride to the island in the evening. Stay for dinner and overnight stay at Lake Naivasha country club.

Day 3: Lake Naivasha – Maasai Mara

After breakfast, we depart for Maasai Mara Game Reserve. There will be a stop at the viewpoint of the Great Rift whose view of the valley below is splendidly panoramic and another stop for lunch and fuelling at Narok town; Upon checking in the lodge take Lunch

Proceed on a game drive in this world-famous reserve, due to its high animal concentration and abundance and its yearly seasonal migration of wildebeest and zebra.

Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Day 4: Masai Mara game reserve

Today's a big game viewing extravaganza!

Masai Mara Game reserve remains the most exciting wildlife ecosystem world. It is host to the highest and most varied concentration of wild animals than any other wildlife park in the region.

The scenic appeal of the tree-studded savanna plains, the moderate climate and diversity of wild game species makes it a one stop shop for game viewing activities.

We shall traverse the Masai Mara reserve on a full day of unlimited game viewing encountering the big five and more of the lesser game. Picnic lunch shall be by the Mara river as we watch hippos & crocodiles or maybe the great migration (July – October). Dinner & Overnight at the Lodge.

Day 5: Masai Mara - Nairobi

Morning game viewing at the Maasai Mara with an extra game drive as you depart the reserve. Proceed to Nairobi.

Arrive in Nairobi in the late afternoon. Drop off at your Nairobi hotel or Nairobi airport.

Meal & Drinks: Breakfast & lunch


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