Golden horn and Asia side tour

Язык Английский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

The Golden Horn is one the oldest and the most colorful neighborhood in istanbul.

First of all, we will start our Golden horn tour from Fener Balat area. Fener and Balat are famous for colorful buildings, street art, different concepts of cafes and restaurants, umbrella streets and rainbow stairs. It also home of many old and famous synagogues, churches and mosques.

After Fener Balat tour, we will take a tram or ferry to go Pierre lotti hill. Pierr lotti hill is one of the most famous local spot in the city. It is famous for glass balcony on the top of the hill where you can see the different part of istanbul. (To go up to the hill we will use cable car)

Ebu ensari tomb is located in this area and this is the place where you can find the best and cheapest Turkish ice cream.

Moving to Asia side, first we will take a ferry to go Asia side from Europe. First we will head to Maiden tower which is an old tower in the middle of sea and has one of the best view. From there we will head to Camlica mosque and Camlica tower. Camlica mosque is the biggest mosque in whole Türkiye and camlica tower is Europe's tallest tower. Then we will head to kadikoy neighborhood which is famous for beautiful sea side, street food, street art and old sweet shops. BTW kadikoy is also good choice for pub crwaling. We will end our tour in kadikoy and back to Europe side by ferry or metro.

Note, if someone prefer to do just Golden horn or Asia side tour we can do one of them no need to all. And of course if we do half of the tour price will be cheaper too.


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