Buyukada prince island tour

Язык Английский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Buyukada is the biggest prince island which is the most beautiful and popular destination for both locals and tourists. It is famous for beaches,nature, hill side, famous old aya yorgi church and old colorful mansions.

We will take ferry from kabatas around 10 am or could be 11 or 12 at noon depends on your preference. It takes around 90 min to 2 hours maksimum to reach the island. Once we reach we will take a electric bus to take a trip around the island. We will get off the bus at aya yorgi hill side. After visiting the church we can take a short coffee break or lunch break at the aya yorgi restaurant cafe which has the best view of the island from the top of the hill. We will take bus again to go to the centre where you can do shopping or have lunch. Buyukada is famous for fresh sea food so if you are sea food lover it is a best place for you but if you prefer to try otantik turkish food then we can go to best restaurant for that. The island is also famous for old colorful ottoman mansions which are perfect spots for pictures. BTW, we also have beautiful beaches on the island so if you want to swim don't forget take your swimming suit :).

We will take return ferry around 5 or 6 pm.


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