Food Tour in Kathmandu

Язык Английский, Французский, Хинди, Японский, непальский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

A food tour in Kathmandu takes you on a culinary adventure through the vibrant streets and eateries of Nepal's capital city. From savoring the delectable momos, steamed or fried dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, to indulging in the traditional Newari and Thakali cuisines, the tour offers a diverse range of flavors and dishes. You can taste the iconic Dal Bhat, a combination of lentil soup and steamed rice with assorted sides, and explore the unique flavors of Newari dishes like buffalo choila, bara, and samay baji. The tour provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich food culture of Kathmandu, discovering hidden gems and street food delights along the way.


9:00 AM: Pickup from your hotel in Kathmandu.

9:30 AM: Begin your food hunt with a delicious breakfast at a local eatery, where you can enjoy traditional Nepali breakfast dishes such as sel roti (ring-shaped sweet bread), puri tarkari (fried bread with vegetable curry), and sweet lassi.

11:00 AM: Explore the bustling streets of Kathmandu, stopping at various food stalls and vendors to sample a variety of snacks and street food like samosas, chatamari (rice pancake), and aloo chop (potato fritters).

1:00 PM: Indulge in a hearty lunch at a traditional Nepali restaurant, where you can feast on a spread of authentic dishes like dal bhat, kukhura ko masu (chicken curry), gundruk ko achar (fermented leaf pickle), and more.

3:00 PM: Take a break and visit a local tea shop to savor a cup of aromatic Nepali tea or try the popular milk tea known as chiya.

4:00 PM: Continue your food tour by exploring the vibrant flavors of Newari cuisine. Visit a local Newari eatery to taste mouthwatering dishes like kwati (a mixed bean soup), yomari (a sweet dumpling), and choila (spicy grilled meat).

6:00 PM: Enjoy some leisure time to explore the bustling streets of Kathmandu or relax at a rooftop café, sipping on a refreshing local beverage like alassi (lassi made with curd, honey, and spices) or traditional Newari rice beer known as chhyang.

8:00 PM: Conclude your food tour with a delightful dinner at a popular restaurant, where you can relish flavorsome Thakali cuisine, including dishes like dhido (buckwheat pancake), mutton curry, and achar (pickle).

10:00 PM: Return to your hotel and bid farewell, ending the food tour in Kathmandu.


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