9 Days Kilimanjaro Climb - Rongai Route

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2960 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

Starting from the northeastern side of the mountain near the Kenyan border, the Rongai Route rises above the Amboseli plains and approach the summit of Kilimanjaro west of the Mawenzi peak. It is an unfrequented route and is also the easiest camping approach to Uhuru Peak. The descent normally uses the Marangu Route. There are two variations to this route. You can choose to attempt the summit via Mawenzi Tarn Hut or via School Hut which is also referred to as the Outward Bound Hut. The former is longer and more popular. Prior acclimatization is recommended in order to attempt the latter successfully.


Day 1 : Arrive in Tanzania

You will be picked up at the Kilimanjaro International Airport by our Alaitol Safaris Team and transfer you to your hotel in Moshi town. Overnight at Weru Weru River Lodge (or alternative).

Meals: Dinner Included

Day 2 : Nalemoru Gate (1990m) to Simba Camp (2625m)

This morning we will drive to the village of Nale Moru for the starting point of the Rongai route. The first stage of the trek is through farmland and pine forests. You may have chance to see the beautiful Colobus monkeys or if you’re lucky enough, elephants or buffalos en route. Our first camp will be the Simba Camp located at the edge of the moorland zone at 2625m. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 3 : Simba Camp (2625m) to 2nd Cave Camp (3480m)

Trek from Simba Camp to 2nd Cave Camp

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 4 : 2nd Cave Camp (3480m) to Kikelewa Camp (3630m)

Trek from 2nd Cave Camp to Kikelewa Camp

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 5 : Kikelewa Camp (3630m) to Mawenzi Tarn Hut (4310m)

Trek from Kikelewa Camp to Mawenzi Tarn Hut

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 6 : Mawenzi Tarn Hut (4310m) to Kibo Hut (4700m)

Trek from Mawenzi Tarn Hut to Kibo Hut

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 7 : Kibo Hut (4700m) to UHURU PEAK (5895m) & down to Horombo Hut (3700m)

Trek from Kibo Hut to UHURU PEAK & down to Horombo Hut

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 8 : Horombo Hut (3700m) to Marangu Gate (1860m) to Moshi

Trek from Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate then you will be transferd to Moshi

Overnight at Weru Weru River Lodge (or alternative).

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 9 : Depart Tanzania

The day is left free before your flight home. You could go and explore Moshi town and grab some souvenirs before heading to the airport.



Park fees, camping fees & rescue fees 18% VAT on tour fees & services.

3 Season mountain tents

-29C Extreme Limit Sleeping Bags

Double layered Sleeping Mats

Transportation to & from the mountain gate

Professional mountain guides, cooks and porters

3 meals daily while on the mountain

Mineral water throughout the trek

Pick up from Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) on arrival into Tanzania and transfer to your hotel for overnight.

Pre & Post Trek accommodation at the Villa Maua Arusha Hotel on Full Board Basis

Fair wages for the mountain crew as approved by the Kilimanjaro National Park Authority (KINAPA), Kilimanjaro Association of Tour

Operators (KIATO)

2- way airport transfers

Transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport to connect your outgoing flight.


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