2 Days Safari toTarangire and Ngorongoro Crater

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Стоимость 925 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

This 2 day safari option is a great way to experience some of Tanzania’s amazing wildlife within a short period of time. This compact safari is ideal for those who are on a tight schedule or those looking for a weekend getaway. A visit to Tarangire National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater offer the best wildlife viewing experience for these two days. The concentration of wildlife in these two parks offers great opportunities to see lots of wildlife within a short period of time.


Day1 : Tarangire National Park

You will be picked up at your hotel in Arusha/ Airport at 0700hrs and transferred to the Tarangire National Park to start off your game viewing experience in this magnificent park which is famous for its large collection of baobab trees, spectacular large mammal population and variety of bird species, not to mention one of the largest concentration of elephants in the country. After your tour around the park, you will be transferred to your Lodge where you will be spending the night.

Overnight at Eileen's Tree Inn

Meals: Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 2 : Ngorongoro Crater

You will depart from lodge at around 07:00hrs and head to the Ngorongoro Crater for your final game drive. The crater is not only the largest unbroken caldera in the world but it is also one of the new 7 natural wonders of Africa. After your morning game drive, you will take a break to enjoy your packed lunch at the Hippo Pool Picnic site. After lunch, you will be transferred back to Arusha/ Airport in the afternoon via curio shops where you can grab some souvenirs to take back home with you.

Meals: Breakfast & Lunch Included


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