Private Tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo

Язык Арабский, Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Description of the Private Tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo

Visit one of the world’s best museums and ancient Cairo with an official guide who is an expert in Egyptian history. Enjoy our private tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo and explore this magnificent city in a tailor-made private experience.

Your private driver and guide will pick you up at your desired time from your hotel. You will then enjoy a personalized guided tour of the wonderful Egyptian museum and the ancient quarters of the city; Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo.

The tour is fully adaptable to your personal wishes and interests. Our guides and drivers are at your disposal. We will coordinate the entrance fees for each site in advance. In case you visit Egypt for more days you can see our private itineraries.

Points of Interest & Landmarks

The first visit of your private tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo will be to the iconic Egyptian Museum. There you will see an impressive collection of Egyptian antiquities that no other museum in the world offers. The museum is entirely dedicated to the legacy of the Pharaohs, offering over 120,000 items. Your private guide, an expert in Egyptian history and culture, will teach you the history and legends of the museum and its collection.

You will then visit Islamic Cairo. You will see the medieval Islamic monuments through El Darb Al Ahmar Street. Your official guide will show you the history of the Islamic Sabil, Madrasa, Wekala, Khan, Bayts and more monuments. You will also walk along El Moez Street, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There you can visit Al Hakem, Al Aqmar, Sabil Mohamed Ali and Al Azhar Mosque, the main mosque in the whole country. During your visit to the Islamic quarter you will of course have free time to taste the wonderful local cuisine.

Finally, you will go to the ancient Coptic Cairo. This magnificent area houses one of the oldest Catholic collections in the world. There you will learn that not only the Egyptians left their mark on this land, but also the Copts, the first Christians after the coming of Christ. You can visit the Coptic Museum and the six churches dating back to early Christian times. The main ones are the Hanging Church, built in the 9th century, St. Sergius, from the 5th century and the Ben Ezra Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in Cairo.

After a long day of learning the history, legends, culture and secrets of the city your driver and official guide will take you to your hotel or place of choice in Cairo.



8 hours


English, Spanish and Arabic (other languages upon request)

Pick up point

Hotel or place of choice in Cairo

This Private Tour includes:

Private official egyptologist tour guide for 8 hours

Private vehicle with drive for 8 hours

Entrance fee to The Egyptian museum, the Citadel of Saladin

Pick up and drop off in your hotel or place of choice in Cairo

Completely personalised and private experience

Guardian Angel Service: 24/7 phone line

Public liability insurance


Visit one of the world’s best museums and ancient Cairo with an official guide who is an expert in Egyptian history. Enjoy our private tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo and explore this magnificent city in a tailor-made private experience.

Your private driver and guide will pick you up at your desired time from your hotel. You will then enjoy a personalized guided tour of the wonderful Egyptian museum and the ancient quarters of the city; Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo.

The tour is fully adaptable to your personal wishes and interests. Our guides and drivers are at your disposal. We will coordinate the entrance fees for each site in advance. In case you visit Egypt for more days you can see our private itineraries.

Points of Interest & Landmarks

The first visit of your private tour of Cairo: Egyptian Museum, Islamic Cairo and Coptic Cairo will be to the iconic Egyptian Museum. There you will see an impressive collection of Egyptian antiquities that no other museum in the world offers. The museum is entirely dedicated to the legacy of the Pharaohs, offering over 120,000 items. Your private guide, an expert in Egyptian history and culture, will teach you the history and legends of the museum and its collection.

You will then visit Islamic Cairo. You will see the medieval Islamic monuments through El Darb Al Ahmar Street. Your official guide will show you the history of the Islamic Sabil, Madrasa, Wekala, Khan, Bayts and more monuments. You will also walk along El Moez Street, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There you can visit Al Hakem, Al Aqmar, Sabil Mohamed Ali and Al Azhar Mosque, the main mosque in the whole country. During your visit to the Islamic quarter you will of course have free time to taste the wonderful local cuisine.

Finally, you will go to the ancient Coptic Cairo. This magnificent area houses one of the oldest Catholic collections in the world. There you will learn that not only the Egyptians left their mark on this land, but also the Copts, the first Christians after the coming of Christ. You can visit the Coptic Museum and the six churches dating back to early Christian times. The main ones are the Hanging Church, built in the 9th century, St. Sergius, from the 5th century and the Ben Ezra Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in Cairo.

After a long day of learning the history, legends, culture and secrets of the city your driver and official guide will take you to your hotel or place of choice in Cairo.



8 hours


English, Spanish and Arabic (other languages upon request)

Pick up point

Hotel or place of choice in Cairo

This Private Tour includes:

Private official egyptologist tour guide for 8 hours

Private vehicle with drive for 8 hours

Pick up and drop off in your hotel or place of choice in Cairo

Completely personalised and private experience

Guardian Angel Service: 24/7 phone line

Public liability insurance



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