Cairo 4 day Private itinerary: Transfers, Pyramids excursion and city tour

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 дня


Upon arrival to Cairo International Airport your private driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals terminal holding a sign with your name on it.After that your private driver will drive you to your hotel in the city. We may arrange an activity for the evening in case your flight arrives early.


Witness the greatest of Ancient Egypt near Cairo in one day next to a local licensed tour guide and your private driver. This day you will visit one of the seven wonders of the World and other landmarks of one of the greatest civilizations that existed on our planet.

After that you will have free time for lunch and then drive to Saqqara and Memphis. Once there you will explore the legenday pyramids of Saqqara, including the very well known Step Pyramid. Saqqara is named after the Memphite god of the dead, Sokar, and it is the largest archaeological site in the country. In addition you will also visit Memphis, also known as Inebu-Hedj, the ancient capital of Lower Egypt and the Old Kindgdom of Egypt. Memphis and its Necropolis were added, in 1979, to the UNESCO World Heritage sites list.After you finish your visit you will drive back to your hotel in Cairo and rest! You may have dinner in any of the several awesome restaurants of the city. The city is characterised for the hospitality and gastronomy of its people.


For the second we will arrange a private tour for you to explore the city of Cairo. Your private driver and licensed guide will pick you up in your hotel and kick off your private experience.During this day you will visit the Egyptian museum next to your licensed guide. You will explore the museum and see the impressive collections of ancient Egyptian antiquities which no other museum in the world hosts. The museum is entirely devoted to the legacy of the pharaohs, having more than 120.000 items on display.

After that you will discover the Islamic Cairo. You will be able to explore the medieval Islamic monuments through El Darb Al Ahmar street. Your private guide will tell you about the Islamic Sabil, Madrasa, Wekala, Khan, Bayts and many other monuments worth of visiting. In addition you will also walk through El Moez street, listed also as a UNESCO World Heritage site. There you will visit Al Hakem Mosque, Al Aqmar Mosque, Sabil Mohamed Ali and Al Azhar Mosque, the main Mosque in the whole country. During your visit to the islamic area you will of course have free time to taste the wonderful gastronomy.


Finally you will drive to Old Cairo Coptic area. This wonderful quarter hosts one of the oldest Christian collections in the whole world. There you will learn that it was not just the ancient Egyptian who left their mark in this land, but also the Copts, the early Christians from just after the time of Christ. You may visit the Coptic Museum and the six churches which date back to the early Christian era. The main of them are The hanging church, built in the 9th Century, St. Sergius, built in the 5th century, and Ben Ezra Synagogue, the oldest in Cairo.

After a day full of history, secrets, legends and culture, your private driver and licensed tour guide will drive you back to your hotel in Cairo

Your private driver will pick you up, at the arranged time, and drive you to the airport of Cairo.

In the case you plan to stay longer in Egypt, we can also arrange a longer itinerary including a cruise in the Nile from Aswan to Luxor, or the other way round.

Get in touch with us for a personalised proposal.


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