Can Tho Floating market and Bicycle

Язык Английский, Вьетнамский
Стоимость 68 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов

 At 6:00 in the morning, you will be picked up by your personal guide and we will start the Mekong Delta trip.

 At around 7:00, a delicious Vietnamese breakfast will be served on the small sampan at the biggest floating market in Viet Nam. Here you also have the opportunity to try Vietnamese coffee from the “floating minibar”.

 Then you will give a hand to make rice noodles at the local workshop. It will be a new challenge to feel the real local life in Mekong Viet Nam.

 Let’s bike like an insider and make “a ride of your life in Mekong”. Your cycling tour will weave in and out untouched peaceful villages, tropical orchards, countryside roads. Stop and pass by many “monkey bridges” and small canals.

 Visit and walk around the organic cacao farm where the guide will tell you interesting stories about local Mekong countryside life, culture, garden and fruits.

 Your car (coach, taxi) picks you up, and transfers back to Can Tho city. 11:00 AM end the tour.


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