Cai Rang floating market, Cacao plantation, canals and more..

Язык Английский, Вьетнамский
Стоимость 48 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов


 At 6:00 in the morning, you will be picked up by your personal guide and we will start the Mekong Delta trip.

 At around 7:00, a delicious Vietnamese breakfast will be served on the small sampan at the biggest floating market in Viet Nam. Here you also have the opportunity to try Vietnamese coffee from the “floating minibar”.

 Then you will give a hand to make rice noodles at the local workshop. It will be a new challenge to feel the real local life in Mekong Viet Nam.

 Afterward, sit back and enjoy fantastic views – the river side view from our tiny sampan, the diverse everyday life of the people in the Nine Dragons Delta.

 9:00 am, we will stop at Muoi Cuong Cacao farm where you will have a chance to see how Vietnamese plant Cacao trees and learn step by step to make handmade chocolate. In the end, we will give it a try with cacao drinks and handmade chocolate candy.

 At about 10:00 am our boat will take you deeper into the natural landscape on a small river to discover the Mekong Delta and we will stop at a dragon fruit farm which is really interesting( depend on the tide of the river) .

 At 12:00 Pm, It’s time to say goodbye to your guide after a memorable trip.


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