Gorkha Manakamana Day Tour from Kathmandu

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Хинди, Японский, Корейский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Gorkha is a historic town located in Nepal, known for its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes. One of its prominent attractions is the Manakamana Temple, a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site dedicated to the goddess Bhagwati. Situated atop a hill, the temple offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and hills.

The journey from Kathmandu to Gorkha begins with a picturesque drive through the scenic countryside, passing terraced fields and traditional villages. Upon reaching Gorkha, visitors can explore the iconic Gorkha Durbar (Gorkha Palace), an ancient palace complex that holds significant historical importance. It was once the residence of King Prithvi Narayan Shah, the founder of modern Nepal, and offers a glimpse into the country's royal heritage.

From Gorkha, travelers embark on a challenging but rewarding hike to the Manakamana Temple. Alternatively, they can take a cable car ride, adding an element of excitement to the journey. The temple attracts devotees and tourists alike, who seek blessings and experience spiritual serenity amidst the Himalayan setting.

The Gorkha-Manakamana tour presents an opportunity to immerse oneself in Nepal's cultural and religious treasures while enjoying the natural beauty of the region. The historic Gorkha Palace and the spiritually significant Manakamana Temple provide a memorable and enriching experience for travelers seeking an authentic Nepalese adventure.


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