14 Days Manaslu Circuit Trek

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Английский, Немецкий, Хинди, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, непальский, Испанский
Стоимость 1100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 недели

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the captivating landscapes of the Manaslu Circuit Trek, a hidden gem in the heart of Nepal. This adventure promises a truly immersive experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

The Manaslu Circuit Trek, nestled in the shadow of the majestic Mount Manaslu (8,163 meters), offers an off-the-beaten-path trekking experience that lets you witness pristine mountain vistas, lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and picturesque villages. As you hike through diverse terrain, you'll encounter unique cultural encounters with the warm-hearted locals, who welcome you with their traditional hospitality.

This trail showcases the mesmerizing beauty of the Manaslu Conservation Area, a sanctuary for diverse flora and fauna, including the elusive snow leopard and red panda. Trekkers are treated to breathtaking views of Annapurna Massif, Ganesh Himal, and other awe-inspiring peaks throughout the journey.

Challenging yet rewarding, the Manaslu Circuit Trek ensures an unparalleled adventure while maintaining a sense of seclusion and tranquility. Be prepared for a life-changing experience as you conquer high mountain passes, cross suspension bridges over thundering rivers, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

If you seek a trekking adventure that combines natural splendor with cultural immersion, the Manaslu Circuit Trek is your ultimate destination. Join us for an expedition that will leave you with a profound appreciation for the untouched beauty of Nepal's Himalayas. Book your adventure now and get ready to embrace the magic of the Manaslu Circuit!


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