Lower Dolpo Trek

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Хинди, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, Испанский
Стоимость 2200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 недели 1 день

Embark on an extraordinary and remote adventure with the Lower Dolpo Trek in Nepal! This captivating journey takes you to the untouched and mystical landscapes of Dolpo, offering a unique blend of natural beauty, ancient culture, and Tibetan Buddhist traditions.

The Lower Dolpo Trek starts in the town of Juphal and follows ancient trade routes and rugged trails through dramatic landscapes. As you trek through deep valleys, dense forests, and arid plateaus, you'll be surrounded by the majestic Himalayan peaks that form a stunning backdrop to your journey.

One of the highlights of the trek is the visit to the Phoksundo Lake, a turquoise gem nestled amidst the barren terrain. The tranquil lake, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, exudes a serene and otherworldly ambiance that will leave you spellbound.

Throughout the trek, you'll encounter traditional Tibetan villages, where the locals have preserved their unique culture and way of life for centuries. Interact with the friendly Dolpo people, known for their warmth and hospitality, and witness their colorful festivals and ancient rituals.

The Lower Dolpo region has also been the subject of various books and movies, including Peter Matthiessen's "The Snow Leopard" and the Oscar-nominated film "Himalaya." The rugged and isolated landscapes of Dolpo have a magical allure that has captured the hearts of travelers and filmmakers alike.

Trekking in Lower Dolpo is a true off-the-beaten-path adventure, as the region receives fewer visitors compared to other popular trekking destinations in Nepal. This sense of seclusion and remoteness adds to the allure of the journey, making it a special experience for adventurers seeking a genuine and less-trodden path.

Join us on the Lower Dolpo Trek to explore the mystical land of Dolpo, where the raw beauty of nature and the richness of cultural heritage will leave a lasting impact on your soul. It's a trek that will take you back in time and open your eyes to the wonders of Nepal's hidden treasures. Come and discover the enchanting Lower Dolpo – a trek like no other!


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