Язык Английский
Стоимость 1700 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 5 дней

Everest Base Camp is one of the world’s famous trek and for many a journey waiting on their bucket list. Many adventure lovers are eager to see the highest peak of the world and the other giant peaks around it. You need to be reasonably fit, that’s all you need to get to the base camp and to the top of Kala Pathhar for close views across the Everest base camp trek and beyond. You walk on your own pace to the base camp of the highest mountain in the world. This trek rewards you with incredible scenery, rich and diverse cultural landscapes and the Everest which is also known for Sagarmartha, Head of the Earth, or Chomolungma or abode of Wind Goddess.

This is an exhilarating trek: You will climb gradually to avoid problems that high altitude can bring. Most trek days are 5-6 hours long and sometimes 7-8 hours.You will have days to acclimatize in Namche Bazaar and at Dingboche, getting used to thinner air.The tracks to the base camp are a mix of wide, relatively even and well-marked and change to more alpine style footpaths on the higher elevation.Along the way, you have time to take in the incredible landscape, see the villages and way of life in this fascinating land of the Himalayas.


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