Langtang valley trek

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 775 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя 2 дня

Being the closest trekking region from Kathmandu, Langtang Valley Trek has become one of the go-to trekking destinations in Nepal. After the massive earthquake of 2015, the region has now accelerated its pace in tourism. Particularly Langtang Valley Trek 13 Days is the most famous among all other treks in the region. It is a short trek that will allow you to witness breath-taking scenery, stunning Himalayan mountains, and glistening glaciers in a short period. Moreover, the fascinating Tamang culture and centuries-old monasteries increase the hype of the trek. 

Trekking in Langtang Valley is an extraordinary experience that you will not get anywhere else. The thriving beauty of the region attracts many travel lovers every year. It is a perfect package that offers a good balance of adventure, wilderness, scenery, and authentic culture. The region houses Langtang National Park, which is home to hundreds of flora and fauna. Likewise, trekking in the spring season presents a magical venture through blooming flora all around the trail. 

The warm hospitality and kind gestures of locals will win your heart. People here are believed to be the descendants of Tibetans. There culture, practices, architecture, language, dress, and delicacies all resembles with Tibetans. You will explore ancient Kynajin Gompa and other monasteries. There are so many things to look around on Langtang Valley trekking, and these 13 days is certainly not enough. 


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