Tashkent day tour by local guides

Язык Арабский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Японский, Русский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 79 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Day 1

After breakfast a driver picks up and meet with a local guide and visit oriental Chorsu bazaar, Hasti Imam Complex (Barakhan Medresha, Tillya Sheikh Mosque and Muyi Muborak Library with famous Holy Osman Koran), Tashkent Metro (Underground which is famous for its unique architectural designs) stations, Amir Temur Square, Independence Square.

We are flexible you can choose places to visit!


Hazrati Khasti Imam Complex:

1. Muyi Muborak

• Home to significant religious sites and the Uthman Quran, one of the world's oldest Quranic manuscripts.

• A significant religious and cultural site.

2. Barakhan Madrasa:

• Dates back to the 16th century.

• Features traditional Islamic architecture.

• A sacred destination for pilgrims and tourists.

3. Tilla Sheyx Mosque:

• Known for its golden domes and intricate design.

• A stunning example of Islamic architecture.

4. Khasti Imam Mosque:

• Part of the Hazrati Khasti Imam Complex.

• Showcases exquisite Uzbek architecture and serves as a spiritual center.

5. Mausoleum of Kaffal ash Shashiy:

• Dedicated to the Islamic scholar Kaffal ash Shashiy.

• Features intricate tilework and architectural details.

6. Kukeldash Madrasah:

• Well-preserved 16th-century Islamic school.

• Distinctive architecture provides insights into Tashkent's educational history.

7. Chorsu Bazaar:

• A lively market offering a diverse range of goods.

• Reflects local traditions and provides a vibrant cultural experience.

8. Besh Kazan Central Pilaf:

• A popular spot to taste Uzbekistan's traditional dish, pilaf.

• Offers a delicious culinary experience.

9. TV Tower:

• Tashkent TV Tower provides panoramic views of the city from its observation deck.

• An iconic structure in the city.

10. Independence Square:

• A significant central square adorned with fountains and monuments.

• Symbolizes Uzbekistan's independence.

11. Amir Timur Square:

• Features a statue of the Central Asian conqueror surrounded by historical landmarks.

• A central gathering point.

12. Amir Timur Museum:

• Showcases exhibits related to Amir Timur and the history of Uzbekistan.

13. White Mosque:

• A modern architectural marvel known for its white facade and contemporary design.

• Serves as a place of worship.

14.Art Museum:

• Displays a diverse collection of Uzbekistan's artistic heritage, including paintings, sculptures, and traditional crafts.

15. Tashkent Metro Stations:

• Tashkent Metro, inaugurated in 1977, is known for its unique architectural designs.

Book your tour with us

Exploring these sites offers a fascinating journey through Tashkent's history and cultural heritage


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