Honey Hunting Trek to Lumjung

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Французский, Немецкий, Хинди, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, непальский, Испанский
Стоимость 1000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Embark on a thrilling Honey Hunting tour to Lamjung, Nepal, where ancient traditions and breathtaking landscapes await. Witness the indigenous Gurung community's centuries-old practice of harvesting wild honey from towering cliffs. Your journey begins with a scenic drive to the picturesque village of Ghalegaun. Trek through lush forests, experience local hospitality, and learn about the Gurung culture. Reach the honey hunting site, observe skilled climbers in action, and savor the rewards of their daring harvest. Immerse yourself in this unique adventure, connecting with nature and heritage in an unforgettable way.

Day 1: Departure from Kathmandu

Start your adventure by departing from Kathmandu and heading towards Lamjung. Enjoy the scenic drive as you leave the bustling city behind and enter the tranquil landscapes of Nepal.

Day 2: Arrival in Ghalegaun

Arrive in Ghalegaun, a picturesque village known for its cultural richness. Rest and acclimate to the surroundings as you prepare for the upcoming trek.

Day 3: Trek to Honey Hunting Site

Embark on a trek through lush forests and charming villages. Trek to the honey hunting location, soaking in the natural beauty of Lamjung's landscapes.

Day 4: Immersion in Gurung Culture

Engage in cultural activities, interact with the Gurung community, and gain insights into their traditional way of life. Participate in local customs and rituals.

Day 5: Witness Honey Hunting

Experience the highlight of the tour as you witness the Gurung honey hunters in action. Watch them scale the cliffs with remarkable skill to harvest wild honey.

Day 6: Trek Back to Ghalegaun

Bid farewell to the honey hunting site and retrace your steps back to Ghalegaun. Reflect on the unique experiences you've encountered during the tour.

Day 7: Return to Kathmandu

Travel back to Kathmandu, carrying with you the memories of the honey hunting adventure and the cultural immersion you've enjoyed.

Day 8: Departure

Conclude your tour with a departure from Kathmandu, cherishing the incredible journey that allowed you to connect with nature and tradition in a profound way.


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