Mombasa Old Town City Tours

Язык Английский
Стоимость 160 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Mombasa Old Town City Tour Excursion

The tour presents some of the best highlights of this colorful old city.

You will visit the bustling fruit and vegetable market, which has been in operation since colonial days, visit the Old Arab Town, with houses that still bear intricate hand carved doors, and balconies hanging over the narrow streets, unchanged for hundreds of years.

Visit the Fort Jesus which was built by the Portuguese over 500 years ago to protect their interest in East Africa against Omani Arabs to learn how it went from a Fort to a prison, to a tourist attraction.

Walk under the famous elephant tusks on Moi Avenue, which you probably have seen in those old African adventure movies.

Finally we visit the Akamba wood carvers center and Bombolulu Center where you can purchase a fine hand carved African memento - a short excursion full of culture, history and not to be missed.


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