Eco Tour

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 1000 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 5 дней

I received a group of three people in Lomé for an Eco tour. We visited the natural attractions of the country and the people. We went to kpalimè and kpime.

We went to ketao market in Kara and then visited the tata Somba. We then continued to Benin and witnessed its amazing landscape and we have had the chance to attend some traditional ceremonies. The ceremony of Zangbéto, which was very interesting and fun to watch.

We could not finish without visiting the famous village of Ganvié. Ganvie is a lake village in Benin, Africa, lying in Lake Nokoué, near Cotonou. With a population of around 20,000 people, it is probably the largest lake village in Africa and is very popular with tourists.(Wikipedia)


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