7 Days Mt Kenya - Trekking Up -Sirimon/Chogoria

Язык Английский
Стоимость 970 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Type of safari

Mt Climbing, Destination - Kenya

Sirimon route is much more scenic and being on the dry side of mountain it offers some of the finest walking activity

Full Itinerary as follows:

DAY 1: Nairobi -Nanyuki. After breakfast depart from Nairobi at 09:00hrs and proceed towards the cool slopes of Mt. Kenya. Cross the Equator and arrive at Nanyuki hotel in time for Lunch. Relax and enjoy the excellent facilities and magnificent scenery dinner and overnight in Nanyuki.

DAY 2: Nanyuki-Judmaier Camp. The morning is spent sorting and organizing personal equipment for the mountain trek. After lunch we drive to Sirimon Gate and then to road head at 11,000 ft. Have an easy walk in the afternoon to help acclimatization. Dinner and overnight Judmaier camp.

DAY 3: Judmaier-Liki North Valley Camp. After breakfast we ascend the Sirimon Track to Liki North Valley and spend the night camped in this beautiful little valley below subsidiary peaks of Teleki and Sendeyo, two ancient parasitic vents of the main peaks. Dinner and overnight stay in Liki North Valley,13,000 ft.

DAY 4: Liki North Valley Camp-Mackinders Camp. Climb out of the North Valley and in to the Mackinder’s valley, on the broadest valleys of Mt. Kenya. We camp at the head of the mackinder’s valley camp, just below the main peaks of Batian and Nelion. 14,000ft.

DAY 5: Mackinders Camp-Point Lenana-Teleki Valley Camp. Make an alpine ascent of the third highest peak, point Lenana (16,355 ft). This route up the north face is little used by tourists. Four hours of stiff walking to the summit. Descend to the Teleki Valley on the opposite side of the main peaks, to Mackinders Camp. Meals and Overnight Teleki Valley (13,000 ft.)

DAY 6: Teleki Valley-Met Station. Descend to the Met. Station (Road head) on the Naro Moru Track and then back to the hotel for meals and overnight.

DAY 7: Met Station-Nairobi After breakfast, have a leisure drive back to Nairobi with lunch en route arriving in the afternoon.

PRICE per person sharing

1 Person $ 970

2 Person $ 860

3 Persons$ 790

4 Persons$ 720

Price Includes

Return transfers from Nairobi to Mt Kenya (private) transportation

All Park fees

All food while on the Mountain.

Accommodation in mountain huts/ camping where applicable.

All guiding services

Porter support for the climb.

Excluded are:

Climbing gears, Banaclavers,walking sticks,

Personal items like drinks, candies, toilet rolls

Tips and Gratuities


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