Mafia Whale & Shark Adventure

Язык Английский
Стоимость 2355 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Marine Park is the largest marine protected area in the Indian Ocean, sheltering a unique complex of estuarine, mangrove, coral reef and marine channel ecosystems. These include the only natural forest on the island and almost 400 fish species. There are also about 10 villages within the park’s boundaries with an estimated 15,000 to 17,000 inhabitants, all of whom depend on its natural resources for their livelihoods.

Mafia Island Marine Park is one of the most interesting marine eco-system and coral reefs in the world, excellent in terms of biodiversity of corals and pristine reef fish.

The richness of the range and average of the species of fish and corals inside Chole Bay, due to the protected nature of the coastline, the quantity of encrusting corals, brain and soft corals and the range and average of small organisms on the vertical walls outside the bay, make Mafia excellent in terms of bio-diversity.

     "° Day by Day Itinerary°"

° Arrival

You'll be collected from the airport.

Accommodation before the tour starts can be arranged for an extra cost.

° Day 1

Dar es Salaam to Mafia Island

Arrival to Dar es Salaam no later than 13:00 to catch the domestic flight to Mafia Island. If your flight to Dar es Salaam arrives later, we can arrange an extra night in a hotel in 5* Dar es Salaam Serena Hotel for you and all the necessary transfers.

A half-hour flight by a small aircraft will take you to Mafia Island. Transfer from Mafia Island Airport to Kinasi Lodge. Enjoy your lodge and the beach for the rest of the day.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

Kinasi Lodge

Mid-range lodge located in or near Mafia Island

° Meals & Drinks:

Dinner (Breakfast & lunch not included)

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° Day 2

"Miewe Island and Marimbani Sandbank"

You will spend a full day out with us. After breakfast, we depart for a boat ride to Miewe Island and Darusi reef. Snorkeling and picnic lunch on the island. Mafia Island Marine Park is a snorkeler’s paradise with the Coral Gardens.

On the second part of the day, you will have a boat ride to Marimbani Sandbank for swimming and sunbathing.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

Kinasi Lodge

Mid-range lodge located in or near Mafia Island

° Meals & Drinks:

All meals included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° Day 3

"Specialities of Mafia Island: Whale Sharks or Turtle Hatching"

Whale Shark snorkeling, the main attraction and pride of Mafia Island, is available seasonally: October-March. This is a full-day excursion. Our guide follows the latest news on the location of the sharks. After snorkeling with these magnificent fish you relax on a sandbank with picnic lunch and refreshments. The spotting of wild Whale Sharks is frequent, yet not guaranteed. If you have not been lucky today, and have not met even a single whale shark, we will treat you with another chance the day after tomorrow!

From July to September we offer another unique experience for our guests: Turtle Hatching. During hatching season you can witness these tiny creatures emerge from their nests in the race for the sea. An early morning walk across the island of Juani brings you to the hatching beaches.

When neither Whale Shark nor Turtle Hatching experience promise to see a striking spectacle, we have a full-day boat safari at Kitutia Reef or Mange Reef with unforgettable snorkeling for you.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

Kinasi Lodge

Mid-range lodge located in or near Mafia Island

° Meals & Drinks:

All meals included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° Day 4

"Mafia Island - cultural and water activities"

Walk with a guide in Utende village and explore the environment, ask questions about daily local life.

Get on a sup-board and explore the mangrove alleyways and forests at your own pace. The beach attendants will provide you with the paddles.

Enjoy the beach, your lodge and the swimming pool.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

Kinasi Lodge

Mid-range lodge located in or near Mafia Island

° Meals & Drinks:

All meals included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° Day 5

"Whale Sharks or alternative ocean or island excursions"

If you have not been lucky with whale sharks the day before yesterday, today is your chance! We make a second attempt to see these gentle giants and snorkel with them.

If your first Whale Shark snorkeling was successful, we offer you one of the following boat or road trips in Mafia Island, to dive into it deeper:

- Scuba diving (single dive)

- Boat tour: Blue Lagoon, Kua channel and Kua ruins historic tour

- Land Rover trip: discover different parts of Mafia Island, it’s villages and deserted beaches.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

Kinasi Lodge

Mid-range lodge located in or near Mafia Island

° Meals & Drinks:

All meals included

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° Day 6

"Mafia Island - Dar es Salaam"

Spend the morning enjoy the lodge, beach and a swimming pool. Or get on a sup-board again and explore the mangrove alleyways and forests at your own pace.

After early lunch, we will provide you a transfer to Mafia Airport, where you will take your afternoon flight to Dar es Salaam.

If your next flight departs late in the evening (from 20:00 and later), you can connect to your flight in Dar es Salaam airport. Otherwise, we can arrange an extra night in 5* Dar es Salaam Serena Hotel for you and an airport transfer the next day.

° Main Destination:

Mafia Island (Beach)

° Accommodation:

No accommodation (End of tour)

° Meals & Drinks:

Breakfast & lunch (Dinner not included)

Drinking water (Other drinks not included)

° End of tour

Additional accommodation can be arranged for an extra cost.

You'll be dropped off at the airport.


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