Coffee farm and nature - the Jardín 2-day private trip

Язык Английский, Венгерский, Испанский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

This private tour is for nature lovers: we leave Medellín in the morning, heading to Suroeste, southeast of Antioquia region to the beautiful village of Jardín, in the heart of coffee land! The trip takes about 3 hours crossing the Andes mountains and the Cauca river, with amazing views all the way.

Jardín is known for its brightly painted houses, colorful floral displays, and milk candies, the altitude is 1750 meters above sea level. We visit a traditional family coffee farm where you learn about coffee from the master himself and see the whole process from planting to drinking the delicious end product.

In the afternoon we visit the traditional paisa village of Jardín, checking out the main square, eating some local food hanging out with the locals, and enjoy the vibe. We spend the night at a farm hotel, so we will be surrounded by 100% nature.

On the 2nd day, we go on a Jeep tour up to 2200 meters in the mountains, we do some hiking and visit a cave in the rain forest, where you can have a refreshing swim in the crystal clear water. In the afternoon after lunch, we head back to the city of Medellín. This tour is for a minimum of two people, the mentioned price goes down in case of more travelers. The price contains all the activities, the hotel with breakfast, and the bilingual guide. Contact me for more details.


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