Fez Full day Guided sightseeing Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 50 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

The Program begins from your Riad/Hotel towards the Old Medina, to explore the several historical monuments such as the ancient Palaces, the artisanal shops, the old fountains etc... that are quite difficult to navigate with the narrow streets of the old Medina which are like a maze to the visitors.

Through our guided tour we will have the opportunity to visit the well-known tannery where the leather is prepared to be made into products, also several Mosques, even though Non-Muslims cannot enter but you will be fascinated but its history and architecture. Following that, we may visit the fountains and several museums that introduce the specific details behind each corner in Fes city.

Leaving behind the ancient monument we will be in the middle of the vibrant souks where you will see the real Moroccan lifestyle depicted by the locals and their artisanal bazaars.

The Monuments of Fez are endless, next, we will get to enjoy the ramparts of Fes with the car, through visiting the Jewish quarter or "Mellah" with the ancient decorated buildings and then off we go to Batha square and then to the Royal Palace where is the king's residence, Well known of the huge decorated doors for the best pictures.

As an end of the tour, we will enjoy a relaxing time at the north Borj with the most dazzling panoramic view.

Join us and get to discover FES without worrying about getting lost.


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