Old Malay Settlement in the City

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Passionately known as Chow Kit to the locals, the true Chow Kit Road is just strip of tarmac linking Tuanku Abdul Rahman Road (Jalan TAR) with Sea Prince Road (Jalan Raja Laut).

Surrounding this area is Wat Mei Liew (Siamese Temple) when once there was a Siamese Village (Kampong Siam). The is a thin wall separating the temple with a minor mosque (congregation of less than 44 devotees.

The daytime sees a few eating stalls for the office & non-food traders but the true colours of Chow Kit come out after 5pm when the sun sets for a cooler weather.

If one is a morning person one must check out the Chow Kit market with its abundance of fruits, vegetable, chicken, local beef, etc. There are stalls selling all sort of traditional snacks and iced drinks. So, bring enough cash (change to Ringgit Malaysia).


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