History, nature and churches

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Стоимость 2000 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Under this tour, we explore ancient history of Ethiopia and the history of Ethiopian Orthodox monastries including Lalibela Rock hewn churches, natural beauty of the Simen mountaints NP with its biodiversites and ancient Islamic city of Harar in East Ethiopia.


Day 1- Addis Ababa- Bahirdar.

Early breakfast then fly to Bahirdar. After check in hotel, drive to Blue Nile falls situated 35 kms from the city. Walk for about 1hour to the entire fall. Back to your car by crossing Nile river with small boat. If Saturday, visit the colorful market where people from the country side come together with their commodities. In the afternoon boat ride on Lake Tana, the largest fresh water lake in Ethiopia and home to more than 39 Islands which are a refuge to ancient churches and monastries. Visit Ura Kidane Mihiret and Aziwa Mariam churches, both adornd with mural paintings depected scene from bibilical lore and tradatiinal paintings. O/n Jacarandahotel

Day 2-Bahirdar-Gondar

Check out hotel and heading north to the 17 C medival city of Gondar located at 180 kms. On the way vist Awramba community village or Guzara palace built by king Susynious, father of king Fasiledes (1607-1632). In the afternoon do city tour of Gondar and visit the compound of King Fasiledes, his swimming pool and Debrebirhan Silassie church. O/n AG hotel or similar

Day 3- Gondar- Debark- Gondar

Breakfast then go for a day trip to Simen Mountaints NP. with short stop in Debark town where the HQ of Simen mountains NP is located. Do some paper works in Debark, pick local guides and scouts up then head to the mountain. Balace of the day, Walk in the park, enjoy with the beautiful land scape and the endemic Gelada Baboons. Late afternoon back to Gindar via the former village of Ethiopian Jews. O/n AG hotel or similar

Day 4- Gondar-Aksum.

Checkout hote then transfer to airport for your flight to Aksum. Balance of the day, visit ancient archeological sites such as; the

Stele park, Tomb of king Kaleb & Gebre Meskel, palace of queen of Sheba, the church of St. Mary of Zion and more. O/n Sabian hotel or similar

Day 5- Aksum-Lalibela

Take breakfast and transfer to airport for your flight to Lalibela. In the afternoon, visit the first group of churches including the beautiful St. George church chiseled in the form of Greek crosd. O/n Lalibela lodge or similar

Day 6- Lalibela

Fullday in Lalibela. In the morning mule trekking to Asheton Mariam monastry or drive to Yimrehanekirstos cave church located about 42ks from Lalibela. Back to hotel for lunch then after lunch, more visit of the 2nd group of Lalibela Churches which are about 5 in numbers. O/n Lalibela lodge or similar

Day 7- Lalibela-Addis Ababa-Dire Dawa-Harar

Breakfast then transfer to airport for your flight to Addis Ababa then Dire Dawa. After lunch, drive to Harar and do a city tour that includes:- market places, ancient settelenent of Harar, private houses, museums and so on. Then early evening attend on a hyena man show going on just outside the city. O/n Wonderland hotel.

Day 8- Harar-Addis Ababa-

Early breakfast then drive to Dire Dawa to catch the flight to Addis Ababa. On arrival, take city tour and visit mount Entoto, Trinity Cathedral, National musuem and Markato. Then after farewell dinner, drop you at Bole int'l airport for your departure home. End service.

Offer= $2000/pax


-Room at 3-4* hotels.

-Meal in full board basis

-High roofed mini van in all cities.

-All transfer in and out services

-All entrance fee

-English speaking guide all the way

-Local guide payments


-Mule hire

-2 bottles of water/day/pax

-porter fee

-Gov tax

Not included

-Client's domestic flight ticket

-photo and video charges

-Visa and insurance payment


-Shopping expenses

-Any alcoholic drinks and so on.


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