A Full Day Cultural Tour in Baghdad, exploring its heritage sites and experiencing the daily life in its old quarters

Язык Арабский, Английский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов

A Full Day Cultural and Historical Tour in Baghdad, exploring its heritage sites and experiencing the daily life in its old quarters

• Exploration commences at the Iraqi Museum, immersing ourselves in ancient Mesopotamian antiquities.

• Captivating walking tour through the old quarters of Baghdad, visiting al-Mutanabbi Book Market street—an intellectual haven.

• Mustansiriyah Madrasah, one of the earliest universities in the world.

• Stop at the century-old Shabandar Cafe for a glass of lime tea, a speciality in Baghdad.

• Path leads to the Abbasid Palace on the Tigris river bank with its beautiful ornamental designs and carvings.

• Century-old juice shop serving refreshing raisin juice, visited by Iraqi kings and presidents.

• Walk in Khan Al Mudallal Antique Market shops.

• Boat tour on the Tigris river.

• Lunch at an old Baghdadi restaurant offering Kuba.

• Walks through bustling bazaars of Copper Market, Stationery Market, and Clothing Market.

• Visit to Firdos Square where Saddam’s statue was pulled down.

• End the tour at the iconic Freedom Monument.


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