Private Day Tour of Iceland's South Coast

Язык Английский, хинди
Стоимость 942 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 9 часов

This adventure-packed tour will take you through the rugged terrain of the South Coast, where you will witness the beauty of waterfalls, glaciers, volcanoes, & black-sand beaches.

This is personalized tour that takes you on a journey through the stunning landscapes of Iceland's southern region. The tour can be customized to meet your specific interests & preferences. As a private tour, we can tailor the experience to your interests and preferences. Want to spend more time hiking along the glaciers? No problem! Want to stop for a photo op at a picturesque village? Our adventure starts with a visit to the iconic waterfalls of Seljalandsfoss & Skógafoss, where you'll witness the power & beauty of these majestic falls up close. We'll then continue our journey to the black sand beach of Reynisfjara, where you'll marvel at the unique basalt columns & towering cliffs that make this beach one of a kind. These cliffs offer a panoramic view of the black sand beaches, rocky coastline, and rolling hills that make up the surrounding area. Visitors can also spot a variety of wildlife here, including puffins, Stop at the small village of Vík and enjoy lunch at a local restaurant.

If you are seeking for adventure, this tour can be customized with a Glacier Hike Walk with an Ice Cave visit.

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