Hike to Vogel via Šija saddle

Язык Bosnian, Английский, Немецкий, хорватский, Slovene, Serbian
Стоимость 396 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Start at: Ski hotel. We will move on to Orlove glave either by foot or with a chair lift (not included), after that along Šija chair lift and on to Visoki orlov rob (1800m). A descent over a mountain ridge and you are at Šija mountain pass, only a steep grass slope away from the top. When the weather is clear, you get an unforgettable view at the Šija's top. You make a descent back to the transverse path and walk westwards to reach the "vrata" pass (1725m). The mountain slope is quite steep and you need to be careful. It leads to the main ridge, where you make a steep ascent to the Vogel's top (1922m). Once more you are fascinated by a view of the Julian alps, Karavanken mountains and coastal mountains. A descent down a marked path and you are at Zadnji Vogel mountain pasture. Only a slight ascent past the log cabins and you are back at ski hotel. Worth to see: snow in the depression under vogel also in summer. Remains of a mountain pasture in Zadnji Vogel. Free time for lunch and cable car back down


Transfer 60€

Cable car



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