Kathmandu City Tour by Bike

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Хинди, Итальянский, Японский, Корейский, непальский, Испанский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Embark on a thrilling exploration of Kathmandu, the vibrant capital of Nepal, with a unique twist – a city tour by bike. This 4-6 hour adventure promises a dynamic and immersive experience, taking you through some of the most iconic and culturally significant sites in the city. From the sacred temples to the historical squares, each stop on this journey reveals a different facet of Kathmandu's rich heritage.

Pashupatinath (Start Point):

Our journey begins at Pashupatinath, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the holiest Hindu temples in Nepal. As you pedal through the bustling streets, the mesmerizing aroma of incense and the melodious chants will guide you to the sacred Bagmati River. Witness the elaborate cremation rituals on the ghats, and take a moment to absorb the spiritual energy that pervades this ancient site.


Cycling through the vibrant streets of Kathmandu, our next destination is the iconic Boudhanath Stupa. This colossal mandala is a center of Tibetan Buddhism and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Park your bike and circumambulate the stupa, spinning the prayer wheels and absorbing the serene atmosphere. Engage with locals and fellow travelers, and perhaps indulge in some traditional Tibetan cuisine at one of the nearby cafes.

Swayambhu (Monkey Temple):

The next leg of our journey takes us to Swayambhunath, affectionately known as the Monkey Temple. Perched atop a hill, this ancient stupa offers panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley. Climb the stone steps, surrounded by mischievous monkeys, and explore the intricately adorned stupa and surrounding shrines. As you descend, soak in the vibrant colors of prayer flags fluttering in the breeze.

Kathmandu/Basantapur Durbar Square (End Point): Conclude your bike tour at the heart of Kathmandu – the historic Kathmandu Durbar Square, also known as Basantapur Durbar Square. Pedal through the narrow lanes to reach this UNESCO-listed site, where ancient palaces, courtyards, and temples stand as testimony to the city's royal history. Explore the intricacies of architecture and marvel at the Kumari Ghar, the residence of the Living Goddess. Take a leisurely stroll through the square, absorbing the blend of culture, history, and modern life that defines Kathmandu.

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