Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 20 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Antalya Rafting tour is one of the best activities for adrenaline lovers spending their holiday in Antalya. Antalya rafting tour takes place in the Koprulu canyon known as one of the best rafting rivers in the world. Koprulu Canyon is a famous national park located about 80 km from Antalya. You will be amazed by the natural beauties of the Koprulu Canyon. The rafting activity along the canyon is about 14km and the level of the course is classed as a level 3 medium according to international river rafting standards. Rafting boats have options for 2-6-8-10 people. You can choose one of these boat options as you wish, with your family or friends. We have a professional guide to help you on each rafting boat. If you have enough experience, you can do rafting on your own with a single boat. The water temperature of the river varies between 12 degrees on average and it has 12 meters in width and 1-3 meters in depth. We will have breaks for swimming, walking, and taking photos during our rafting tour from Antalya.


* Picking up from hotels/apartments in Antalya

* Arrival at Koprulu Canyon

* Information and briefing from professional instructors & guides about rafting at our station.

* Distribution of Rafting equipment (lifejackets, helmets, paddles, boats, etc.)

* Drive with our vehicles to the starting point near the ancient roman bridge. (Takes 7 km 15 minutes)

* Before starting rafting, seeing small waterfalls in the Koprulu canyon national park area and a walk, swimming, and photo break at the historical Roman bridge.

* Riding on boats and the first part of rafting with a professional guide on each boat (takes approximately 10 km)

* Lunch break at the restaurant near the river

* Riding on boats again and complete the remaining 3.6 km rafting course and arrive at our station at the finish point.

* Watch your photos and videos taken by our professional team during the Belek rafting tour on the television screen.

• Dropping off at your hotels & apartments in Antalya.


* Pick up/drop off from hotels and apartments in Antalya and around

* Lunch

* Guide

* Main Equipments (Helmet, life jacket, boat)



*Photos, Videos ( in DVD or USB)


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