3- Days tour visiting Baghdad-Nasiriyah (city of Ur)-Babylon

Язык Арабский, Английский
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 3 дня


we will start our tour by visiting Iraqi national museum which contains precious relics from the Mesopotamian, Abbasid and Persian civilizations. Then we will visit Mutanabbi street on foot The street is the historic center of Baghdad bookselling, a street filled with bookstores and outdoor book stalls. We are going to walk through markets and bazaar where you can buy souvenirs, precious books....etc. Also we will visit The Abbasid Palace is an ancient Abbasid complex and an Iraqi historical palace located near the Tigris river on al-Rusafa side of Baghdad, Iraq. North of al-Mutanabbi Street and a part of al-Maidan area. The palace dates back to the 12th century. we will take a tour in Al-Mustansiriya Madrasa was a medieval-era scholarly complex that provided a universal system of higher education. It was established in 1227 CE. Our walk tour will end after visiting these sights, after that we should fetch a taxi then we will stop near liberation monument take some photos and selfies over there then we will end our tour by visiting Musa Al-kazim mausoleum the great grand son of prophet muhammed the interesting thing is the the masterpiece of architect will enchant you.


Next day our trip will begin visiting the an ancient city located on the lower Euphrates river in southern Mesopotamia, within modern-day Iraq. we will explore Babylon by visiting Ishtar gate and the street of processions, The lion of Babylon, Greek theater, NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S SOUTHERN PALACE,and Sadam's palace. After we finish from visiting and exploring Babylon we are going to head right away to the city of Ur visiting the great ziggurat "Ur ziggurat" The Ur Ziggurat, is one of the best-preserved Mesopotamian ziggurats. Built around 2100 BCE by King Ur-Nammu of the Third Dynasty of Ur, it served as a religious center dedicated to the moon god Nanna. The ziggurat consisted of a series of terraces topped by a temple. Its construction marked a significant architectural and religious development in ancient Mesopotamia.


After we spent the night At Ur Next morning we will head to Chibayish Marshes we will have a lunch in Mudhif (Reed house) we will enjoy having Iraqi foods especially Masgouf.Then we are going to have a tour in boat exploring the marshes and seeing a buffalos that live over there.


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