Язык Бенгальский, Английский, хинди, Urdu
Стоимость 630 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 дня

**Sundarbans **

Sundarbans is the largest intact mangrove forest in the coastal saline environment, which is the seaward boundary of the largest watershed in the world. This forest is located at the estuary of the Ganges and the Brahmaputra and extends across Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. Sundarbans spread over 10,000 square kilometers and has 6,017 square kilometers in Bangladesh. The Sundarbans were recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. The Sundarbans are a web of small islands with ocean currents, mudflats and salinity of mangrove forests. 31.1 percent of the total forest area, i.e. 1,874 square kilometers, consists of river channels, creeks, and water bodies. The forest is known to be home to numerous species of animals, including the famous Royal Bengal Tiger, birds, chitra deer, crocodiles, etc. According to the survey, there are now 500 tigers and 30,000 blackbucks in the Sundarbans area. On May 21, 1992, Sundarbans was recognized as a Ramsar site.

"Sunderbans" literally means "beautiful forest" or "beautiful woodland". Sundarbans may be named after the beautiful trees that grow there in abundance. Other possible explanations are that it may have been named "sea forest" or "moon forest". From -bandhe (bandhe)" (ancient aboriginal). But it is generally assumed that the Sundarbans got its name from the Sundari tree.


During the Mughal period (1203-1538), a local king leased the entire Sundarbans. Among the fundamental changes desired by the historic legislative changes were the recognition of the world's first mangrove forests to come under scientific supervision.175 The Sundarbans area was mapped soon after the East India Company received its patent from the Mughal emperor Alamgira II in 7 AD. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Sundarbans was almost twice the size of today. Increased human pressure on the forest has gradually reduced its size. In 1828, the British government acquired the sovereignty of the Sundarbans. L. T Hajez conducted the first survey of Sundarbans in 1829. In 1878 the entire Sundarbans area was declared as a reserved forest and in 1879 the whole. In 1947, during the partition of India, 6,017 square kilometers of the Sundarbans fell to Bangladesh. Which is about 4.2% of the area of Bangladesh and about 44% of the total forest area.

The legal rights of the first Forest Management Department over the Sundarbans were established in 1869. According to the Forest Act, 1965 (Section 8), A large part of Sundarbans was declared as reserved forest land in 1875-76. Within the next year, the remaining part was also recognized as a protected forest area. As a result, it moved from the jurisdiction of the distant civilian district administration to the control of the forest department. Later, in 1879, the Forest Department was established as an administrative unit for forest management, with its headquarters at Khulna. The first forest management plan was drawn up for the Sundarbans during 1893-98. In 1911 the Sundarbans were termed as tracts of waste land, which had never been surveyed and never come under census. It was then demarcated over an area of about 165 miles (266 km) from the mouth of the Hooghly River to the mouth of the Meghna River. At the same time, its boundaries are determined according to the three districts of 24 Parganas, Khulna and Bakerganj. The total area including the reservoir is estimated to be 6,526 square miles (16,902 km). The watery beautiful forest was full of tigers and other wild animals. The Sundarbans is probably named after its main special tree beauty. The hard wood obtained from it is used to make various items including boats, furniture. The Sundarbans are divided throughout by rivers, canals, and creeks, some of which were used as navigable waterways for both steamers and local boats for communication between Calcutta and the Brahmaputra basin.

tour plane**

Sundarbans journey will start from Bangladesh capital Dhaka and enter Sundarbans via Khulna. We will travel to Sundarbans by train and bus. You can go to Sundarbans via Khulna by air, but the cost will definitely be higher, if you want to go to Sundarbans by air, then definitely consult the tour guide.

Tour expenses**

Buses and trains are used to go to the Sundarbans, and if you want to use a plane, you must pay more than the specified cost. Talk to your accompanying tour guide for advice.

To visit Sundarbans we have to travel by boat and all and other means of transportation will be ed.


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