8-Day Private Tour Cairo, Aswan, Luxor and Nile Cruise

Язык Английский, Французский, Итальянский, Португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 800 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Avoid putting a complicated itinerary together to visit Egypt, and leave it in the hands of the experts. This package from Cairo offers everything you need visit the must-see archaeological sites of Egypt with included along with three nights aboard a Nile River boat; ; and trips to the Pyramids of Giza, l, the Valley of the Kings, and more.

What's included

• Breakfast

• Breakfast

• Lunch

• Dinner

• Dinner

• Breakfast

• Dinner

• Lunch

• Lunch

• Lunch

• Breakfast

• Lunch

• Breakfast

• Breakfast

• Breakfast

• Meet and Assist at Airports.

• Deluxe air-conditioned Vehicle throughout.

• 3 Nights accommodation on board of 5* Deluxe Nile Cruise with full board.

• Entrance Fees to all the sites mentioned in our above itinerary.

•spanish speaking professional guide (Egyptologist).

• Bottle of water daily during the sightseeing.

• 24 hour "Emergency" Hotline.

• Service charge and Taxes

• Entry/Admission - Pyramids of Giza

• Entry/Admission - The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

• Entry/Admission - Aswan High Dam

• Entry/Admission - Temple of Philae

• Entry/Admission - Temple of Kom Ombo

• Entry/Admission - Temple of Horus

• Entry/Admission - Temple of Karnak

• Entry/Admission - Luxor Temple

• Entry/Admission - Valley of the Kings

• Entry/Admission - Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahari

• Entry/Admission - Colossi of Memnon

• Entry/Admission - Coptic Cairo

• Entry/Admission - Islamic Cairo

• What's not included

• International Flight Ticket from home.

• Entry visa.

• Items of a personal nature such as tips.

• Beverages of any nature at any time.

• Any Optional tours

• Peak Period (Christmas and New Year) there is additional fees USD200 PER PERSON from Dec 20 to Jan 2

• Entry/Admission - Abu Simbel Temple Complex

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