Kazbegi Tour- up to 5 people

Язык Английский
Стоимость 570 GEL за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Travel to Majestic world of Kazbegi mountains!


We go alongside the Georgian Military Road. On the way, we will visit Ananuri architectural complex. Before we reach Ananuri, we pass Zhinvali water reservoir, from where, entire Tbilisi gets drinkable water supply.

Ananuri is one of the best architectural monument of a late feudal period. (15th-18th century) Even though, there are many architectural monuments, built in the same period in Georgia, Ananuri is still the best preserved site, where everything is gathered together as a complex.

Gergeti`s Holy Trinity church was built in XIV century. Before that, the only wooden cross had erected on that place. It is the only cross-cupola church, which was built in the mountains.


-Pick-up from hotel

-Jinvali water reservoir

-Military road

-Gudauri Ski Resort

-Lunch break

-Gudauri Panorama

-Gergeti church in Kazbegi

-Ananuri Fortress

-Return to Tbilisi



Private Transportation

Private Tour Guide

Fee for car ride to Gergeti church on top of the mountain



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