Two Oceans Helicopter Tour/Flight

Язык Английский
Стоимость 325 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 час

Soak in the panoramic views of the incredibly beautiful stretch of coast along the Atlantic Seaboard, from take-off at the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, along the north shore of Table Mountain down the west side of the Cape Peninsula to Hout Bay, and then over to False Bay.

In addition, you will also enjoy views of the glorious bay of Fish Hoek and the main surfing spot of Muizenberg as you head back toward base. The Two Oceans Flight have so much to offer, it is no wonder it is our most popular flight!

The Two Oceans package includes a complimentary scheduled Harbour Cruise.

The Two Oceans Flight highlights include: Table Mountain, Chapman’s Peak Drive, False Bay, Constantia Winelands


Hotel pick up and drop off.

Private driver/guide

Air-conditioned vehicle

Ticket to helicopter ride approx: 25 minutes


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