6-Day Rwanda Discovery Safari

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 4320 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 дней

Day 1: Arrival in Kigali - Unveiling Rwanda's Heart

Your journey to the vibrant land of Rwanda begins as you touch down at Kigali International Airport. Welcomed and you'll be whisked away to your accommodation. Depending on your arrival time, immerse yourself in the city's rich tapestry with an optional city tour. Explore poignant historical sites like the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre or wander through the charming old city of Kigali.

Day 2: Venture to Akagera National Park - Wildlife Wonderland

Rise with the sun and set off at 5 am for an exhilarating adventure to Akagera National Park. This remarkable sanctuary, boasting a mosaic of wetlands, savannah grasslands, and woodlands, offers a tantalizing glimpse into Rwanda's diverse ecosystem. As you traverse the park's rugged terrain, keep your eyes peeled for majestic giraffes, mighty buffaloes, and majestic elephants roaming freely. Don't forget to look skyward, as Akagera is also a haven for bird enthusiasts, with the possibility of spotting the elusive Shoebill Stork along the lakeshores.

Day 3: Journey to Volcanoes National Park - Gateway to the Gorillas

Embark on an enchanting boat trip at Lake Ihema at 8 am, where crocodiles and hippos bask in the sun, while a symphony of bird calls fills the air. Following this aquatic adventure, we proceed to the awe-inspiring Volcanoes National Park, a sanctuary nestled in the heart of Rwanda's northern highlands. En route, relish the picturesque landscapes and enjoy a delightful lunch stop in Kigali before continuing our journey.

Day 4: Conquer Mount Bisoke - A Majestic Ascent

At the break of dawn, prepare for an unforgettable trek up Mount Bisoke. Greeted by a seasoned park ranger at the RDB Office, receive a comprehensive briefing before embarking on your mountainous expedition. Ascend the slopes of Bisoke, where you'll be rewarded with breathtaking vistas of its azure Crater Lake, a jewel nestled within the verdant landscape. The hike, spanning approximately 6 to 7 hours, promises an exhilarating adventure for both novice and seasoned hikers alike.

Day 5: Embrace Rwanda's Rich Culture

Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Rwandan culture as we venture to the Iby’Iwacu Cultural Village. Delight in captivating performances and delve deeper into the customs and traditions of the local community. Later, witness the age-old tradition of banana beer production at the iconic Red Rocks. In the afternoon, unwind amidst the serene shores of Lake Kivu, where pristine beaches beckon for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Day 6: Return to Kigali - Farewell to Rwanda

Bid farewell to the enchanting landscapes of Rwanda with a final boat ride on Lake Kivu, where idyllic islands and diverse birdlife await discovery. As the sun sets on your Rwandan odyssey, embark on a scenic drive back to Kigali. If time permits, pay homage to Rwanda's poignant history with a visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial Grounds before your departure flight.


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