Tehran city tour

Язык Английский, Французский, Немецкий, персидский, Русский, Испанский, Tурецкий
Стоимость 200 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Tehran is the capital of Iran, it was chosen as capital in the late 18th century by founder of Qajar dynasty called Agha Muhammad Khan. It's the most populated city in Iran and the second populated city in middle east ( after Cairo in Egypt) with the population of 9 million (according to the last census) and the altitude differs from south that is about 900 m to north of the city that is about 1700 m. In Tehran you can see variety of museums and one UNESCO site called Golestan Palace.

Excursion of the city Tehran can be in one day or two days.

Day 1 _ the guide pick you up from your hotel and take you to visit: National museum of Iran, Golestan Palace (UNESCO Heritage site), Grand bazar of Tehran, Azadi tower. Depending on time if there is enough time, you can visit more monuments.

Day 2_ today excursion is mostly north of the city like visiting: Niavaran Palace, Saad Abad Palace, Tajrish Bazar, Tabiaat Bridge (the largest pedestrian bridge in Iran) and Darband.

Included services:

_ professional tourist guide and driver.

_ comfortable car or van ( according to

number of the tourists).

Note1: the price is for two days so for one day it's half the price.

Note2: the price is for maximum 3 people, for more than 3 people, the price might change a little bit.

Note3: if you want other languages rather than what mentioned, we try to find a guide who speaks your language (French, German, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and etc).

Note4: all of the pictures have been taken by myself during the tours I've handled.


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