Shiraz city tour

Язык Английский, Французский, персидский, Испанский
Стоимость 85 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Shiraz is the capital of Fars province, the population of the city is about 1,5 million and the average altitude is 1500 m. It's the fifth crowded city in Iran. Shiraz was chosen as capital of Iran two times, for the first time in 10th century AD in Buyid or Al Buye time and second time was in 18th century in time of Zand dynasty. Shiraz besides having different historical and cultural sites, has also very hospitable people. In Shiraz you can find mausoleum of two famous poets called Hafez and Saadi, that's why it's famous as the city of poems and poets.

In the morning the guide pick you up from your hotel to start the tour from Pink Mosque and then Narenjestan Qavam, Zand complex (Karim khan Citadel, Vakil mosque, Vakil Bazaar, Vakil traditional Bath), Eram garden, Hafez tomb ( famous poet), Saadi tomb (another famous poet) and Ali ibn_ e Hamze Holy shrine (has beautiful mirror working) and Qoran Gate. In the evening the guide take you back to your hotel.

Included Services:

_ professional and well experienced tourist

guide and driver.

_ comfortable sedan car or van depending

on number of the tourists.

_ car parking.

_ food for Driver & guide.

Excluded Services:

_ Tourist ticket fee to the sites (admission)

_ lunch and dinner for tourists.

Note1: the price mentioned is for maximum 3 people, for more than 3 people as we need a van so the price increases a little bit.

Note2: If you're looking for another guide who speaks other languages (French, German, Russian, Chinese) , we try to find for you.

Note3: all of the pictures have been taken by myself during the tours.


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