Yazd city tour

Язык Английский, персидский, Испанский
Стоимость 85 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 1 день

Yazd is a desert city located in center of Iran with about six hundred thousand in population and 1200 m in altitude. It's center of Zoroastrian community in Iran (Persian religion from ancient time up until 7th century AD, the invading arabs in 7th century put an end to this religion).The title of the city is the city of wind catchers because of numerous wind catchers in the ancient part of the city. this old part of the city is UNESCO heritage site as well. Also the tallest wind catcher( it was ventilation system in past) located in this city.

The driver guide pick you up from your hotel to visit Yazd monuments like Tower of silence, Zoroastrian fire temple, Amir Chakhmaq Complex, water museum, Dolat Abad Garden, Jame mosque of Yazd and walking in old part of the city which is UNESCO heritage site.

Included Services:

_ professional and well experienced tourist

guide and driver.

_ comfortable sedan car or van depending

on number of the tourists.

_ car parking.

_ food for Driver & guide.

Excluded Services:

_ Tourist ticket fee to the sites (admission)

_ lunch and dinner for tourists.

Note1: the price mentioned is for maximum 3 people, for more than 3 people as we need a van so the price increases a little bit.

Note2: If you're looking for another guide who speaks other languages (French, German, Russian, Chinese) , we try to find for you.

Note3: all of the pictures have been taken by myself during the tours.


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