Panevėžys city tour!

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Латышский, Литовский
Стоимость 0 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

Welcome to Panevėžys!

Get to know the city through your eyes like a local from a born and raised person from Panevėžys. With no boundaries - if you want, you can customize a tour by yourself and tell the tour guide what you want to know and visit, or just simply leave everything to a tour guide, and he will show you the "must-see" locations and hidden gems of the city.

Our local guide is passionate about the history and culture of the city and will tell you the most interesting way possible. It's much more interesting than a history lesson in school! Our tour guide is not a professional guide from a "big tour company," but a well-educated local who would love to show you the city nicely, like your new friend.


By the end of the tour, you can tip our guide by amount, depending on how much you liked the tour. Without your tips, this would not be possible :) THANKS FOR SUPPORT :)

Once you booked your tour - please as soon as possible contact us on WhatsApp or SMS

The tour is available in English, German, Latvian, and Lithuanian.


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