Lihnid Tour Pogradec

Язык Albanian, Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 20 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

We can meet at Rruga Rinia Rd, Pogradec. In front of NERANXI shop.

"Collect moments instead of things"- With this tour exclusively focused in Pogradec region, I will guide you in the destinations around Lake Ohrid (Lihnid) part of UNESCO heritage, to the places that have been part of our ancient history, or hiking in the hidden gems of Region.

Tourists (no limit number) can choose the city tour where we can visit the center with the communist and modern architecture; Toplec Museum District; Museum House of Lasgush Poradeci; The second Albanian school; Naim Frasheri Street, or the ancient ruins of the Pogradec castle.

Also, visits can be made outside the city, in the mentioned tourist attractions, several destinations are included within a tour. These tours are available for groups of up to 4 people because can be accessed by car. The guide guarantees accuracy and coordination in relation to the time, place of departure and arrival.

Main highlights:

Pogradec City & Castle

Tushemisht & Drilon

Saint Naum Monastery (biking)

Kabashi Waterfall

Blaca Castle

Red Stone Factory (Abandoned)

Lin Peninsula, Basillica & Mosaic

Royal Tombs of Selca

Golik Bridge

Saint Marena Monastery & Llenga Canyon

Kamja Stone Mountain

Dry Mountain

Bishnica Village & Glacial Lakes of Lukova

Valamara Mountain

Pogradec city

Pogradec has a long and fascinating history, with roots dating back to the ancient Illyrian civilization roughly 2,500 years ago. The town was also under Ottoman rule for several centuries, and in the 20th century, it was heavily influenced by the communist regime. Pogradec is a town rich in history, natural beauty, cultural heritage, and delicious cuisine. We can explore the ancient ruins or underground tunnels, take boat trips on the lake, admire the stunning scenery, attend cultural events, and try traditional dishes.


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