Free Walking Tour in Kathmandu

Язык Китайский, Английский, хинди, непальский
Стоимость 0 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

My name is Ishwor Bahadur Dhakal working in tourism sector as an English-speaking Tour Guide for the last five years. I’m from a mountainous remote village of Gorkha, Nepal. When I passed Secondary School level then I turned in Kathmandu for further study and work. I’m trained and licensed guide in Nepal. I got my license under ministry of culture, tourism and civil aviation, government of Nepal. I’m trained from NATHM (Nepal Academy of Tourism & Hotel Management) which is the one of the premier tourism academies in Nepal. I have more than five years experienced in the guiding field in Nepal, same time I served many countries tourist.

What's Included?

Free tour with English speaking Guide with expert information

Free walking tour in Kathmandu is a unique tour package for steady walk through the streets in inner core Kathmandu. Tour is free of cost but the participants could tip. It is a tip based tour which you could tip at the end of the tour if you’re happy what the service was provided.


1 day

Destination Covered

Thamel, Ason market ( old market), Indra Chowk (busy zone for buying and selling daily groceries, Chhetrapati, Dhalku, Bijeshwori and Swayambhunath.

Best Suited


This tour begins from Garden of Dreams then we’ll move towards Thamel, which is a popular tourist destination, then to Thahity. You’ll see small stupa at Thahity. From there we’ll visit Kathesimbhu Stupa (Shree gha), mahabihar and monastry there. There in a local tea shop you can try laphing, a Tibetian snack popular in Nepal. From there, we go through Chhetrapati and there you’ll find ancient resthouse for visitors when they were no hotels in the world for travellers.

Then, moving ahead we’ll come across Shobha bhagwati, an open cremation place. After crossing the Bishnumati river we’ll reach Bijeshwori where wedding’s are performed. After walking few minutes from Bijeshwori temple we’ll reach the Swayambhunath Temple.

Please let us know at least before 24 hours before the trip begins

1. Morning Shift: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

2. Afternoon Shift: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. During summer.

3. Afternoon Shift: 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. During winter.

or we can customize the time.


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