Unveiling Armenian Treasures, Musical Magic, and Isfahan's Breathtaking Bridges

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 8 часов


Our adventure kicks off in Jolfa, Isfahan's lively Armenian neighborhood.

We'll be stunned by the enormous Vank Church, the biggest Armenian church outside of Armenia.

This amazing building mixes Armenian and mosque styles, and has a giant dome that will blow you away!

Inside the church's museum, we'll jump back in time to learn about Jolfa's rich Armenian history through cool stuff and displays that tell the story of this special community.

Next, get ready to unleash your inner musician!

We're heading to the Isfahan Music Museum, a treasure chest filled with over 300 musical instruments from all across Iran's long history.

Prepare to be amazed by the one-of-a-kind sounds of these instruments, each with a story waiting to be heard.

From the gentle strumming of the setar to the deep boom of the tombak drum, this hands-on experience will leave you with a whole new love for Iranian music.


After a delicious lunch bursting with yummy Iranian flavors, we'll set off on a beautiful bridge tour that will leave you speechless.

Our first stop is Khaju Bridge, a work of art built during the Safavid era.

This 17th-century wonder has amazing tilework that sparkles in the sun, and offers incredible views of the Zayandeh River.

Next, we'll travel to the famous Si-o-Se Pol Bridge, a true engineering marvel. Just like its name suggests, Si-o-Se Pol has a whopping 33 arches, that look like a heartbeat for the river.


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